Friday, January 29, 2010

Bread problems?

I was "talking" to some people online the other day and someone had mentioned they had issues with their bread. People always ask ME about their bread issues (like I am some type of expert, guess I have you all bamboozeled). It's okay, I always try and find a reason for their mishaps with bread. My bread recipe came to me by another "online" friend (really I do have friends IRL) over 9 years ago and it didn't work out for the first , oh, 10-15 times, maybe more. It's a tweaking here and there and a bit of this and that...I guess that's why my bread always turns out good.
Anyway, in my research I found the greatest website that I bookmarked. It has tips for bread machine users too!
So here is my gift to you...

I hope it is helpful. If you keep trying, you should see success. I love it when my recipe works perfect for others...My flax seed bread recipe is listed on this blog.

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