“All Is Safely Gathered In”
3-Month Food Storage Program
The following pages include a sample 3-Month Food Storage Program.
The program includes pages for individuals and for families of up to 9
people. Also, the final page is a list of other items you may want to
consider including in your storage program.
These lists are not meant to be entirely comprehensive. They were
intended to provide a sample of what could represent 3-months-worth of
food for a typical family, with nothing too fancy, in case you were not able
to purchase these items at the grocery store for an extended period of time.
Such situations, while undesirable, have been and are a reality for many
Leaders of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints have counseled
their members to build a small supply of food that is part of their normal,
daily diet. One way to do this is to purchase a few extra items each week to
build a one-week supply of food. Then you can gradually increase your
supply until it is sufficient for three months. These items should be rotated
regularly to avoid spoilage.
It is hoped that each family would utilize this plan, adapting it to their
personal tastes and needs, and work towards obtaining a 3-month supply
of food and basic commodities. May you be blessed for your diligence in
this regard. For more information, visit the links below at
All Is Safely Gathered In: Family Home Storage
All Is Safely Gathered In: Family Finances
Baking powder 1 lb
Baking soda 1 lb
Cake mix 2 boxes
Corn meal (freeze) 7 lbs
Corn starch 1 box
Flour 7 lbs
Muffin mix 1 box
Pancake mix 2 lbs
Vinegar 1 gallon
Dry Yeast 1 lb
BBQ sauce 1 bottle
Corn syrup 1 lb
Instant pudding 2 pkgs
Ketchup 1 bottle
Mayonnaise 1 qt
Mustard 1 bottle
Salad dressing 1 qt
Applesauce 10 lbs
Bag of raisins or other dried fruit 1 lb
Banana chips 8 lbs
Dried apples 3 lbs
Dried fruit 3 lbs
Fruit 21 cans
Fruit juice 2 gallons
Frozen veggies 3 lbs
Potatoes 10 lbs
Spaghetti sauce 3 jars
Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.) 6 cans
Vegetables 18 cans
Cold cereal 2 boxes
Instant oatmeal 1 box
Mac and Cheese 5 boxes
Oats 7 lbs
Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.) 7 lbs
Ramen noodles 3 pkgs
Rice 25 lbs
Tortillas (freeze) 2 pkgs
Wheat 45 lbs
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Adjust these recommendations according to your family's needs and tastes
Beans (black, white, red, etc.) 10 cans
Dry beans 8 lbs
MEAT On Hand
Chicken 3 cans
Ground beef 4 lbs
Tuna fish 6 cans
MILK On Hand
Dried chocolate milk 4 lbs
Evaporated milk 3 cans
Powdered milk 15 lbs
Nuts 2 lbs
Oil 1 gallon
Peanut butter 2 lbs
Shortening or butter (freeze) 1 lb
Garlic salt 1 bottle
Onions (dried/powdered) 2 lbs
Salt 2 lbs
Season salt 1 bottle
Chicken broth (or bouillon) 2 cans
Soup, chicken noodle 6 cans
Soup, cream of chicken 3 cans
Soup, mushroom 6 cans
Soup, tomato 9 cans
Brown sugar 1 lb
Gelatin (variety of flavors) 1 lb
Honey 2 lbs
Jam 1 lb
Molasses 1 qt
Powdered fruit drink mix 2 lbs
Sugar 10 lbs
Vanilla 1 qt
Aspirin (500 tablets) 1 bottle
Multi vitamins 1 bottle
Week 1: 3 cans Tuna fish, 1 lb Salt, 5 lbs Potatoes
Week 2: 2 boxes Mac and Cheese, 3 cans Soup, tomato
Week 3: 3 cans Soup, mushroom
Week 4: 1 bottle Multi vitamins, 1 lb Bag of raisins or other dried fruit
Week 5: 6 lbs Powdered milk
Week 6: 1 bottle Aspirin (500 tablets)
Week 7: 45 lbs Wheat
Week 8: 2 lbs Pancake mix, 3 lbs Applesauce
Week 9: 2 lbs Honey
Week 10: 3 cans Tuna fish, 3 boxes Mac and Cheese
Week 11: 5 lbs Sugar
Week 12: 3 cans Soup, mushroom, 3 cans Soup, tomato
Week 13: 6 cans Vegetables
Week 14: 1 gallon Oil, 6 cans Vegetables
Week 15: 25 lbs Rice, 2 cans Chicken
Week 16: 7 lbs Flour, 3 cans Soup, tomato, 5 lbs Potatoes
Week 17: 7 lbs Oats, 4 lbs Dry beans
Week 18: 5 lbs Sugar, 4 lbs Applesauce
Week 19: 3 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.)
Week 20: 6 cans Fruit, 2 lbs Peanut butter
Week 21: 6 lbs Powdered milk, 1 qt Mayonnaise
Week 22: 3 cans Soup, cream of chicken
Week 23: 6 cans Soup, chicken noodle, 3 cans Evaporated milk
Week 24: 6 cans Vegetables, 1 box Cold cereal
Week 25: 4 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.), 1 box Instant oatmeal, 3 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 26: 6 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.)
Week 27: 1 qt Molasses, 1 lb Corn syrup
Week 28: 6 cans Fruit, 1 box Muffin mix, 2 lbs Onions (dried/powdered)
Week 29: 1 lb Baking soda, 1 lb Baking powder, 1 lb Dry Yeast
Week 30: 1 qt Vanilla, 1 lb Salt, 1 lb Shortening or butter (freeze)
Week 31: 1 gallon Vinegar, 3 cans Fruit, 3 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 32: 1 gallon Fruit juice, 1 qt Salad dressing
Week 33: 1 bottle Ketchup, 1 bottle BBQ sauce, 1 bottle Mustard
Week 34: 1 lb Brown sugar, 1 jar Spaghetti sauce
Week 35: 1 lb Jam
Week 36: 1 pkg Tortillas (freeze), 2 lbs Ground beef
Week 37: 1 lb Gelatin (variety of flavors), 3 lbs Dried apples
Week 38: 1 gallon Fruit juice, 7 lbs Corn meal (freeze)
Week 39: 2 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 40: 4 lbs Dried chocolate milk
Week 41: 2 lbs Ground beef
Week 42: 1 pkg Tortillas (freeze), 3 lbs Dried fruit
Week 43: 1 box Corn starch
Week 44: 1 can Chicken, 4 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.)
Week 45: 1 box Cold cereal, 1 bottle Garlic salt, 1 bottle Season salt, 3 lbs Frozen veggies
Week 46: 2 cans Chicken broth (or bouillon), 2 boxes Cake mix
Week 47: 3 pkgs Ramen noodles, 2 jars Spaghetti sauce, 6 cans Fruit
Week 48: 2 pkgs Instant pudding, 2 lbs Nuts
Week 49: 4 lbs Dry beans, 3 lbs Applesauce
Week 50: 3 lbs Powdered milk
Week 51: 8 lbs Banana chips
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Weekly Shopping List for a 3 month supply for 1 person
Baking powder 1 lb
Baking soda 1 lb
Cake mix 3 boxes
Corn meal (freeze) 13 lbs
Corn starch 1 box
Flour 13 lbs
Muffin mix 1 box
Pancake mix 3 lbs
Vinegar 1 gallon
Dry Yeast 1 lb
BBQ sauce 2 bottles
Corn syrup 2 lbs
Instant pudding 3 pkgs
Ketchup 2 bottles
Mayonnaise 1 qt
Mustard 1 bottle
Salad dressing 1 qt
Applesauce 20 lbs
Bag of raisins or other dried fruit 1 lb
Banana chips 15 lbs
Dried apples 5 lbs
Dried fruit 5 lbs
Fruit 42 cans
Fruit juice 4 gallons
Frozen veggies 5 lbs
Potatoes 20 lbs
Spaghetti sauce 5 jars
Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.) 12 cans
Vegetables 36 cans
Cold cereal 4 boxes
Instant oatmeal 1 box
Mac and Cheese 10 boxes
Oats 13 lbs
Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.) 13 lbs
Ramen noodles 6 pkgs
Rice 25 lbs
Tortillas (freeze) 3 pkgs
Wheat 75 lbs
Adjust these recommendations according to your family's needs and tastet
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Beans (black, white, red, etc.) 20 cans
Dry beans 15 lbs
MEAT On Hand
Chicken 6 cans
Ground beef 8 lbs
Tuna fish 12 cans
MILK On Hand
Dried chocolate milk 7 lbs
Evaporated milk 6 cans
Powdered milk 25 lbs
Nuts 3 lbs
Oil 1 gallon
Peanut butter 3 lbs
Shortening or butter (freeze) 2 lbs
Garlic salt 1 bottle
Onions (dried/powdered) 3 lbs
Salt 3 lbs
Season salt 1 bottle
Chicken broth (or bouillon) 3 cans
Soup, chicken noodle 12 cans
Soup, cream of chicken 6 cans
Soup, mushroom 12 cans
Soup, tomato 18 cans
Brown sugar 2 lbs
Gelatin (variety of flavors) 1 lb
Honey 3 lbs
Jam 2 lbs
Molasses 1 qt
Powdered fruit drink mix 3 lbs
Sugar 20 lbs
Vanilla 1 qt
Aspirin (500 tablets) 1 bottle
Multi vitamins 1 bottle
Week 1: 5 cans Tuna fish, 1 lb Salt, 5 lbs Potatoes
Week 2: 5 boxes Mac and Cheese, 6 cans Soup, tomato
Week 3: 6 cans Soup, mushroom, 2 lbs Peanut butter
Week 4: 1 bottle Multi vitamins, 1 lb Bag of raisins or other dried fruit
Week 5: 10 lbs Powdered milk
Week 6: 1 bottle Aspirin (500 tablets), 1 gallon Fruit juice
Week 7: 50 lbs Wheat
Week 8: 3 lbs Pancake mix, 5 lbs Applesauce
Week 9: 3 lbs Honey
Week 10: 7 cans Tuna fish, 5 boxes Mac and Cheese
Week 11: 10 lbs Sugar, 1 lb Salt
Week 12: 6 cans Soup, mushroom, 6 cans Soup, tomato
Week 13: 12 cans Vegetables
Week 14: 25 lbs Wheat, 1 gallon Oil, 12 cans Vegetables
Week 15: 25 lbs Rice, 3 cans Chicken
Week 16: 13 lbs Flour, 6 cans Soup, tomato, 5 lbs Potatoes
Week 17: 13 lbs Oats, 8 lbs Dry beans
Week 18: 10 lbs Sugar, 10 lbs Applesauce
Week 19: 6 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.)
Week 20: 12 cans Fruit, 1 lb Peanut butter
Week 21: 10 lbs Powdered milk, 1 qt Mayonnaise
Week 22: 6 cans Soup, cream of chicken, 1 lb Brown sugar
Week 23: 12 cans Soup, chicken noodle, 6 cans Evaporated milk
Week 24: 12 cans Vegetables, 2 boxes Cold cereal, 5 lbs Potatoes
Week 25: 7 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.), 1 box Instant oatmeal, 6 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 26: 12 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.), 1 gallon Fruit juice
Week 27: 1 qt Molasses, 2 lbs Corn syrup
Week 28: 12 cans Fruit, 1 box Muffin mix, 3 lbs Onions (dried/powdered)
Week 29: 1 lb Baking soda, 1 lb Baking powder, 1 lb Dry Yeast
Week 30: 1 qt Vanilla, 1 lb Salt, 2 lbs Shortening or butter (freeze)
Week 31: 1 gallon Vinegar, 6 cans Fruit, 6 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 32: 1 gallon Fruit juice, 1 qt Salad dressing
Week 33: 2 bottles Ketchup, 2 bottles BBQ sauce, 1 bottle Mustard
Week 34: 1 lb Brown sugar, 2 jars Spaghetti sauce, 5 lbs Potatoes
Week 35: 2 lbs Jam, 1 lb Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 36: 2 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 3 lbs Ground beef
Week 37: 1 lb Gelatin (variety of flavors), 5 lbs Dried apples
Week 38: 1 gallon Fruit juice, 13 lbs Corn meal (freeze)
Week 39: 2 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 40: 7 lbs Dried chocolate milk
Week 41: 5 lbs Ground beef
Week 42: 1 pkg Tortillas (freeze), 5 lbs Dried fruit
Week 43: 1 box Corn starch
Week 44: 3 cans Chicken, 8 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.)
Week 45: 2 boxes Cold cereal, 1 bottle Garlic salt, 1 bottle Season salt, 5 lbs Frozen veggies
Week 46: 3 cans Chicken broth (or bouillon), 3 boxes Cake mix
Week 47: 6 pkgs Ramen noodles, 3 jars Spaghetti sauce, 12 cans Fruit
Week 48: 3 pkgs Instant pudding, 3 lbs Nuts
Week 49: 7 lbs Dry beans, 5 lbs Applesauce
Week 50: 5 lbs Powdered milk
Week 51: 15 lbs Banana chips
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Weekly Shopping List for a 3 month supply for 2 people
Baking powder 1 lb
Baking soda 1 lb
Cake mix 5 boxes
Corn meal (freeze) 19 lbs
Corn starch 2 boxes
Flour 19 lbs
Muffin mix 2 boxes
Pancake mix 4 lbs
Vinegar 1 gallon
Dry Yeast 1 lb
BBQ sauce 3 bottles
Corn syrup 3 lbs
Instant pudding 5 pkgs
Ketchup 3 bottles
Mayonnaise 2 qts
Mustard 2 bottles
Salad dressing 1 qt
Applesauce 30 lbs
Bag of raisins or other dried fruit 1 lb
Banana chips 23 lbs
Dried apples 8 lbs
Dried fruit 8 lbs
Fruit 63 cans
Fruit juice 6 gallons
Frozen veggies 8 lbs
Potatoes 30 lbs
Spaghetti sauce 8 jars
Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.) 18 cans
Vegetables 54 cans
Cold cereal 6 boxes
Instant oatmeal 2 boxes
Mac and Cheese 15 boxes
Oats 19 lbs
Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.) 19 lbs
Ramen noodles 9 pkgs
Rice 38 lbs
Tortillas (freeze) 5 pkgs
Wheat 125 lbs
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Adjust these recommendations according to your family's needs and tastes
Beans (black, white, red, etc.) 30 cans
Dry beans 30 lbs
MEAT On Hand
Chicken 9 cans
Ground beef 12 lbs
Tuna fish 18 cans
MILK On Hand
Dried chocolate milk 10 lbs
Evaporated milk 9 cans
Powdered milk 40 lbs
Nuts 4 lbs
Oil 2 gallons
Peanut butter 4 lbs
Shortening or butter (freeze) 3 lbs
Garlic salt 1 bottle
Onions (dried/powdered) 4 lbs
Salt 4 lbs
Season salt 1 bottle
Chicken broth (or bouillon) 5 cans
Soup, chicken noodle 18 cans
Soup, cream of chicken 9 cans
Soup, mushroom 18 cans
Soup, tomato 27 cans
Brown sugar 3 lbs
Gelatin (variety of flavors) 1 lb
Honey 4 lbs
Jam 3 lbs
Molasses 2 qts
Powdered fruit drink mix 5 lbs
Sugar 30 lbs
Vanilla 1 qt
Aspirin (500 tablets) 1 bottle
Multi vitamins 2 bottles
Week 1: 8 cans Tuna fish, 1 lb Salt, 8 lbs Potatoes
Week 2: 8 boxes Mac and Cheese, 9 cans Soup, tomato
Week 3: 9 cans Soup, mushroom, 2 lbs Peanut butter
Week 4: 1 bottle Multi vitamins, 1 lb Bag of raisins or other dried fruit
Week 5: 16 lbs Powdered milk
Week 6: 1 bottle Aspirin (500 tablets), 2 gallons Fruit juice
Week 7: 75 lbs Wheat
Week 8: 4 lbs Pancake mix, 8 lbs Applesauce
Week 9: 4 lbs Honey
Week 10: 10 cans Tuna fish, 7 boxes Mac and Cheese
Week 11: 15 lbs Sugar, 1 lb Salt
Week 12: 9 cans Soup, mushroom, 9 cans Soup, tomato
Week 13: 1 bottle Multi vitamins, 18 cans Vegetables
Week 14: 50 lbs Wheat, 1 gallon Oil, 18 cans Vegetables
Week 15: 19 lbs Rice, 5 cans Chicken
Week 16: 19 lbs Flour, 9 cans Soup, tomato, 8 lbs Potatoes
Week 17: 19 lbs Oats, 15 lbs Dry beans
Week 18: 15 lbs Sugar, 14 lbs Applesauce
Week 19: 9 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.)
Week 20: 18 cans Fruit, 2 lbs Peanut butter
Week 21: 16 lbs Powdered milk, 2 qts Mayonnaise
Week 22: 9 cans Soup, cream of chicken, 1 lb Brown sugar
Week 23: 18 cans Soup, chicken noodle, 9 cans Evaporated milk
Week 24: 18 cans Vegetables, 3 boxes Cold cereal, 8 lbs Potatoes
Week 25: 10 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.), 2 boxes Instant oatmeal, 9 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 26: 18 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.)
Week 27: 2 qts Molasses, 3 lbs Corn syrup
Week 28: 18 cans Fruit, 2 boxes Muffin mix, 4 lbs Onions (dried/powdered)
Week 29: 1 lb Baking soda, 1 lb Baking powder, 1 lb Dry Yeast
Week 30: 1 qt Vanilla, 1 lb Salt, 3 lbs Shortening or butter (freeze)
Week 31: 1 gallon Vinegar, 9 cans Fruit, 9 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 32: 2 gallons Fruit juice, 1 qt Salad dressing, 1 gallon Oil
Week 33: 3 bottles Ketchup, 3 bottles BBQ sauce, 2 bottles Mustard
Week 34: 2 lbs Brown sugar, 4 jars Spaghetti sauce, 6 lbs Potatoes
Week 35: 3 lbs Jam, 2 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 36: 3 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 4 lbs Ground beef
Week 37: 1 lb Gelatin (variety of flavors), 8 lbs Dried apples
Week 38: 2 gallons Fruit juice, 19 lbs Corn meal (freeze)
Week 39: 3 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 40: 10 lbs Dried chocolate milk
Week 41: 8 lbs Ground beef
Week 42: 2 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 8 lbs Dried fruit
Week 43: 2 boxes Corn starch, 1 lb Salt, 19 lbs Rice
Week 44: 4 cans Chicken, 12 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.)
Week 45: 3 boxes Cold cereal, 1 bottle Garlic salt, 1 bottle Season salt, 8 lbs Frozen veggies
Week 46: 5 cans Chicken broth (or bouillon), 5 boxes Cake mix
Week 47: 9 pkgs Ramen noodles, 4 jars Spaghetti sauce, 18 cans Fruit
Week 48: 5 pkgs Instant pudding, 4 lbs Nuts
Week 49: 15 lbs Dry beans, 8 lbs Applesauce
Week 50: 8 lbs Powdered milk
Week 51: 23 lbs Banana chips
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Weekly Shopping List for a 3 month supply for 3 people
Baking powder 1 lb
Baking soda 1 lb
Cake mix 6 boxes
Corn meal (freeze) 25 lbs
Corn starch 2 boxes
Flour 25 lbs
Muffin mix 2 boxes
Pancake mix 5 lbs
Vinegar 1 gallon
Dry Yeast 1 lb
BBQ sauce 3 bottles
Corn syrup 3 lbs
Instant pudding 6 pkgs
Ketchup 4 bottles
Mayonnaise 2 qts
Mustard 2 bottles
Salad dressing 1 qt
Applesauce 40 lbs
Bag of raisins or other dried fruit 1 lb
Banana chips 30 lbs
Dried apples 10 lbs
Dried fruit 10 lbs
Fruit 84 cans
Fruit juice 8 gallons
Frozen veggies 10 lbs
Potatoes 40 lbs
Spaghetti sauce 10 jars
Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.) 24 cans
Vegetables 72 cans
Cold cereal 8 boxes
Instant oatmeal 2 boxes
Mac and Cheese 20 boxes
Oats 25 lbs
Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.) 25 lbs
Ramen noodles 12 pkgs
Rice 50 lbs
Tortillas (freeze) 6 pkgs
Wheat 150 lbs
Adjust these recommendations according to your family's needs and tastes
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Beans (black, white, red, etc.) 39 cans
Dry beans 30 lbs
MEAT On Hand
Chicken 12 cans
Ground beef 15 lbs
Tuna fish 24 cans
MILK On Hand
Dried chocolate milk 13 lbs
Evaporated milk 12 cans
Powdered milk 50 lbs
Nuts 5 lbs
Oil 2 gallons
Peanut butter 5 lbs
Shortening or butter (freeze) 4 lbs
Garlic salt 1 bottle
Onions (dried/powdered) 5 lbs
Salt 5 lbs
Season salt 1 bottle
Chicken broth (or bouillon) 6 cans
Soup, chicken noodle 24 cans
Soup, cream of chicken 12 cans
Soup, mushroom 24 cans
Soup, tomato 36 cans
Brown sugar 3 lbs
Gelatin (variety of flavors) 1 lb
Honey 5 lbs
Jam 3 lbs
Molasses 2 qts
Powdered fruit drink mix 6 lbs
Sugar 40 lbs
Vanilla 1 qt
Aspirin (500 tablets) 1 bottle
Multi vitamins 2 bottles
Week 1: 10 cans Tuna fish, 2 lbs Salt, 10 lbs Potatoes
Week 2: 10 boxes Mac and Cheese, 12 cans Soup, tomato
Week 3: 12 cans Soup, mushroom, 2 lbs Peanut butter
Week 4: 1 bottle Multi vitamins, 1 lb Bag of raisins or other dried fruit
Week 5: 20 lbs Powdered milk
Week 6: 1 bottle Aspirin (500 tablets), 2 gallons Fruit juice
Week 7: 100 lbs Wheat
Week 8: 5 lbs Pancake mix, 10 lbs Applesauce
Week 9: 5 lbs Honey
Week 10: 14 cans Tuna fish, 10 boxes Mac and Cheese
Week 11: 20 lbs Sugar, 1 lb Salt
Week 12: 12 cans Soup, mushroom, 12 cans Soup, tomato
Week 13: 1 bottle Multi vitamins, 24 cans Vegetables
Week 14: 50 lbs Wheat, 1 gallon Oil, 24 cans Vegetables
Week 15: 25 lbs Rice, 6 cans Chicken
Week 16: 25 lbs Flour, 12 cans Soup, tomato, 10 lbs Potatoes
Week 17: 25 lbs Oats, 15 lbs Dry beans
Week 18: 20 lbs Sugar, 20 lbs Applesauce
Week 19: 10 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.)
Week 20: 24 cans Fruit, 3 lbs Peanut butter
Week 21: 20 lbs Powdered milk, 2 qts Mayonnaise
Week 22: 12 cans Soup, cream of chicken, 1 lb Brown sugar
Week 23: 24 cans Soup, chicken noodle, 12 cans Evaporated milk
Week 24: 24 cans Vegetables, 4 boxes Cold cereal, 10 lbs Potatoes
Week 25: 15 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.), 2 boxes Instant oatmeal, 12 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 26: 24 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.), 2 gallons Fruit juice
Week 27: 2 qts Molasses, 3 lbs Corn syrup
Week 28: 24 cans Fruit, 2 boxes Muffin mix, 5 lbs Onions (dried/powdered)
Week 29: 1 lb Baking soda, 1 lb Baking powder, 1 lb Dry Yeast
Week 30: 1 qt Vanilla, 1 lb Salt, 4 lbs Shortening or butter (freeze)
Week 31: 1 gallon Vinegar, 12 cans Fruit, 12 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 32: 2 gallons Fruit juice, 1 qt Salad dressing, 1 gallon Oil
Week 33: 4 bottles Ketchup, 3 bottles BBQ sauce, 2 bottles Mustard
Week 34: 2 lbs Brown sugar, 4 jars Spaghetti sauce, 10 lbs Potatoes
Week 35: 3 lbs Jam, 2 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 36: 3 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 5 lbs Ground beef
Week 37: 1 lb Gelatin (variety of flavors), 10 lbs Dried apples
Week 38: 2 gallons Fruit juice, 25 lbs Corn meal (freeze)
Week 39: 4 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 40: 13 lbs Dried chocolate milk
Week 41: 10 lbs Ground beef
Week 42: 3 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 10 lbs Dried fruit
Week 43: 2 boxes Corn starch, 1 lb Salt, 25 lbs Rice
Week 44: 6 cans Chicken, 15 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.)
Week 45: 4 boxes Cold cereal, 1 bottle Garlic salt, 1 bottle Season salt, 10 lbs Frozen veggies
Week 46: 6 cans Chicken broth (or bouillon), 6 boxes Cake mix
Week 47: 12 pkgs Ramen noodles, 6 jars Spaghetti sauce, 24 cans Fruit
Week 48: 6 pkgs Instant pudding, 5 lbs Nuts
Week 49: 15 lbs Dry beans, 10 lbs Applesauce
Week 50: 10 lbs Powdered milk
Week 51: 30 lbs Banana chips
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Weekly Shopping List for a 3 month supply for 4 people
Baking powder 2 lbs
Baking soda 2 lbs
Cake mix 8 boxes
Corn meal (freeze) 32 lbs
Corn starch 3 boxes
Flour 32 lbs
Muffin mix 3 boxes
Pancake mix 7 lbs
Vinegar 2 gallons
Dry Yeast 2 lbs
BBQ sauce 4 bottles
Corn syrup 4 lbs
Instant pudding 8 pkgs
Ketchup 5 bottles
Mayonnaise 3 qts
Mustard 3 bottles
Salad dressing 2 qts
Applesauce 50 lbs
Bag of raisins or other dried fruit 2 lbs
Banana chips 38 lbs
Dried apples 13 lbs
Dried fruit 13 lbs
Fruit 105 cans
Fruit juice 10 gallons
Frozen veggies 13 lbs
Potatoes 50 lbs
Spaghetti sauce 13 jars
Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.) 30 cans
Vegetables 90 cans
Cold cereal 10 boxes
Instant oatmeal 3 boxes
Mac and Cheese 25 boxes
Oats 32 lbs
Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.) 32 lbs
Ramen noodles 15 pkgs
Rice 75 lbs
Tortillas (freeze) 8 pkgs
Wheat 200 lbs
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Adjust these recommendations according to your family's needs and tastes
Beans (black, white, red, etc.) 49 cans
Dry beans 38 lbs
MEAT On Hand
Chicken 15 cans
Ground beef 19 lbs
Tuna fish 30 cans
MILK On Hand
Dried chocolate milk 17 lbs
Evaporated milk 15 cans
Powdered milk 65 lbs
Nuts 7 lbs
Oil 3 gallons
Peanut butter 7 lbs
Shortening or butter (freeze) 5 lbs
Garlic salt 2 bottles
Onions (dried/powdered) 7 lbs
Salt 7 lbs
Season salt 2 bottles
Chicken broth (or bouillon) 8 cans
Soup, chicken noodle 30 cans
Soup, cream of chicken 15 cans
Soup, mushroom 30 cans
Soup, tomato 45 cans
Brown sugar 4 lbs
Gelatin (variety of flavors) 2 lbs
Honey 7 lbs
Jam 4 lbs
Molasses 3 qts
Powdered fruit drink mix 8 lbs
Sugar 50 lbs
Vanilla 2 qts
Aspirin (500 tablets) 2 bottles
Multi vitamins 3 bottles
Week 1: 13 cans Tuna fish, 3 lbs Salt, 15 lbs Potatoes
Week 2: 12 boxes Mac and Cheese, 15 cans Soup, tomato
Week 3: 15 cans Soup, mushroom, 3 lbs Peanut butter
Week 4: 1 bottle Multi vitamins, 2 lbs Bag of raisins or other dried fruit
Week 5: 26 lbs Powdered milk
Week 6: 2 bottles Aspirin (500 tablets), 3 gallons Fruit juice
Week 7: 100 lbs Wheat
Week 8: 7 lbs Pancake mix, 13 lbs Applesauce
Week 9: 7 lbs Honey
Week 10: 17 cans Tuna fish, 13 boxes Mac and Cheese
Week 11: 25 lbs Sugar, 2 lbs Salt
Week 12: 15 cans Soup, mushroom, 15 cans Soup, tomato
Week 13: 2 bottles Multi vitamins, 30 cans Vegetables
Week 14: 100 lbs Wheat, 2 gallons Oil, 30 cans Vegetables
Week 15: 50 lbs Rice, 8 cans Chicken
Week 16: 32 lbs Flour, 15 cans Soup, tomato, 15 lbs Potatoes
Week 17: 32 lbs Oats, 19 lbs Dry beans
Week 18: 25 lbs Sugar, 25 lbs Applesauce
Week 19: 12 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.)
Week 20: 30 cans Fruit, 4 lbs Peanut butter
Week 21: 26 lbs Powdered milk, 3 qts Mayonnaise
Week 22: 15 cans Soup, cream of chicken, 1 lb Brown sugar
Week 23: 30 cans Soup, chicken noodle, 15 cans Evaporated milk
Week 24: 30 cans Vegetables, 5 boxes Cold cereal, 10 lbs Potatoes
Week 25: 20 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.), 3 boxes Instant oatmeal, 15 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 26: 30 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.), 3 gallons Fruit juice
Week 27: 3 qts Molasses, 4 lbs Corn syrup
Week 28: 30 cans Fruit, 3 boxes Muffin mix, 7 lbs Onions (dried/powdered)
Week 29: 2 lbs Baking soda, 2 lbs Baking powder, 2 lbs Dry Yeast
Week 30: 2 qts Vanilla, 1 lb Salt, 5 lbs Shortening or butter (freeze)
Week 31: 2 gallons Vinegar, 15 cans Fruit, 15 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 32: 2 gallons Fruit juice, 2 qts Salad dressing, 1 gallon Oil
Week 33: 5 bottles Ketchup, 4 bottles BBQ sauce, 3 bottles Mustard
Week 34: 3 lbs Brown sugar, 6 jars Spaghetti sauce, 10 lbs Potatoes
Week 35: 4 lbs Jam, 3 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 36: 4 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 7 lbs Ground beef
Week 37: 2 lbs Gelatin (variety of flavors), 13 lbs Dried apples
Week 38: 2 gallons Fruit juice, 32 lbs Corn meal (freeze)
Week 39: 5 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 40: 17 lbs Dried chocolate milk
Week 41: 12 lbs Ground beef
Week 42: 4 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 13 lbs Dried fruit
Week 43: 3 boxes Corn starch, 1 lb Salt, 25 lbs Rice
Week 44: 7 cans Chicken, 19 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.)
Week 45: 5 boxes Cold cereal, 2 bottles Garlic salt, 2 bottles Season salt, 13 lbs Frozen veggies
Week 46: 8 cans Chicken broth (or bouillon), 8 boxes Cake mix
Week 47: 15 pkgs Ramen noodles, 7 jars Spaghetti sauce, 30 cans Fruit
Week 48: 8 pkgs Instant pudding, 7 lbs Nuts
Week 49: 19 lbs Dry beans, 12 lbs Applesauce
Week 50: 13 lbs Powdered milk
Week 51: 38 lbs Banana chips
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Weekly Shopping List for a 3 month supply for 5 people
Baking powder 2 lbs
Baking soda 2 lbs
Cake mix 9 boxes
Corn meal (freeze) 38 lbs
Corn starch 3 boxes
Flour 38 lbs
Muffin mix 3 boxes
Pancake mix 8 lbs
Vinegar 2 gallons
Dry Yeast 2 lbs
BBQ sauce 5 bottles
Corn syrup 5 lbs
Instant pudding 9 pkgs
Ketchup 6 bottles
Mayonnaise 3 qts
Mustard 3 bottles
Salad dressing 2 qts
Applesauce 60 lbs
Bag of raisins or other dried fruit 2 lbs
Banana chips 45 lbs
Dried apples 15 lbs
Dried fruit 15 lbs
Fruit 126 cans
Fruit juice 12 gallons
Frozen veggies 15 lbs
Potatoes 60 lbs
Spaghetti sauce 15 jars
Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.) 36 cans
Vegetables 108 cans
Cold cereal 12 boxes
Instant oatmeal 3 boxes
Mac and Cheese 30 boxes
Oats 38 lbs
Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.) 38 lbs
Ramen noodles 18 pkgs
Rice 75 lbs
Tortillas (freeze) 9 pkgs
Wheat 225 lbs
Adjust these recommendations according to your family's needs and tastes
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Beans (black, white, red, etc.) 59 cans
Dry beans 45 lbs
MEAT On Hand
Chicken 18 cans
Ground beef 23 lbs
Tuna fish 36 cans
MILK On Hand
Dried chocolate milk 20 lbs
Evaporated milk 18 cans
Powdered milk 75 lbs
Nuts 8 lbs
Oil 3 gallons
Peanut butter 8 lbs
Shortening or butter (freeze) 6 lbs
Garlic salt 2 bottles
Onions (dried/powdered) 8 lbs
Salt 8 lbs
Season salt 2 bottles
Chicken broth (or bouillon) 9 cans
Soup, chicken noodle 36 cans
Soup, cream of chicken 18 cans
Soup, mushroom 36 cans
Soup, tomato 54 cans
Brown sugar 5 lbs
Gelatin (variety of flavors) 2 lbs
Honey 8 lbs
Jam 5 lbs
Molasses 3 qts
Powdered fruit drink mix 9 lbs
Sugar 60 lbs
Vanilla 2 qts
Aspirin (500 tablets) 2 bottles
Multi vitamins 3 bottles
Week 1: 15 cans Tuna fish, 4 lbs Salt, 15 lbs Potatoes
Week 2: 15 boxes Mac and Cheese, 18 cans Soup, tomato
Week 3: 18 cans Soup, mushroom, 4 lbs Peanut butter
Week 4: 2 bottles Multi vitamins, 2 lbs Bag of raisins or other dried fruit
Week 5: 30 lbs Powdered milk
Week 6: 2 bottles Aspirin (500 tablets), 3 gallons Fruit juice
Week 7: 150 lbs Wheat
Week 8: 8 lbs Pancake mix, 15 lbs Applesauce
Week 9: 8 lbs Honey
Week 10: 21 cans Tuna fish, 15 boxes Mac and Cheese
Week 11: 30 lbs Sugar, 1 lb Salt
Week 12: 18 cans Soup, mushroom, 18 cans Soup, tomato
Week 13: 1 bottle Multi vitamins, 36 cans Vegetables
Week 14: 75 lbs Wheat, 2 gallons Oil, 36 cans Vegetables
Week 15: 50 lbs Rice, 9 cans Chicken
Week 16: 38 lbs Flour, 18 cans Soup, tomato, 15 lbs Potatoes
Week 17: 38 lbs Oats, 25 lbs Dry beans
Week 18: 30 lbs Sugar, 30 lbs Applesauce
Week 19: 16 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.)
Week 20: 36 cans Fruit, 4 lbs Peanut butter
Week 21: 30 lbs Powdered milk, 3 qts Mayonnaise
Week 22: 18 cans Soup, cream of chicken, 1 lb Brown sugar
Week 23: 36 cans Soup, chicken noodle, 18 cans Evaporated milk
Week 24: 36 cans Vegetables, 6 boxes Cold cereal, 15 lbs Potatoes
Week 25: 22 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.), 3 boxes Instant oatmeal, 18 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 26: 36 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.), 3 gallons Fruit juice
Week 27: 3 qts Molasses, 5 lbs Corn syrup
Week 28: 36 cans Fruit, 3 boxes Muffin mix, 8 lbs Onions (dried/powdered)
Week 29: 2 lbs Baking soda, 2 lbs Baking powder, 2 lbs Dry Yeast
Week 30: 2 qts Vanilla, 2 lbs Salt, 6 lbs Shortening or butter (freeze)
Week 31: 2 gallons Vinegar, 18 cans Fruit, 18 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 32: 3 gallons Fruit juice, 2 qts Salad dressing, 1 gallon Oil
Week 33: 6 bottles Ketchup, 5 bottles BBQ sauce, 3 bottles Mustard
Week 34: 4 lbs Brown sugar, 6 jars Spaghetti sauce, 15 lbs Potatoes
Week 35: 5 lbs Jam, 3 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 36: 5 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 8 lbs Ground beef
Week 37: 2 lbs Gelatin (variety of flavors), 15 lbs Dried apples
Week 38: 3 gallons Fruit juice, 38 lbs Corn meal (freeze)
Week 39: 6 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 40: 20 lbs Dried chocolate milk
Week 41: 15 lbs Ground beef
Week 42: 4 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 15 lbs Dried fruit
Week 43: 3 boxes Corn starch, 1 lb Salt, 25 lbs Rice
Week 44: 9 cans Chicken, 23 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.)
Week 45: 6 boxes Cold cereal, 2 bottles Garlic salt, 2 bottles Season salt, 15 lbs Frozen veggies
Week 46: 9 cans Chicken broth (or bouillon), 9 boxes Cake mix
Week 47: 18 pkgs Ramen noodles, 9 jars Spaghetti sauce, 36 cans Fruit
Week 48: 9 pkgs Instant pudding, 8 lbs Nuts
Week 49: 20 lbs Dry beans, 15 lbs Applesauce
Week 50: 15 lbs Powdered milk
Week 51: 45 lbs Banana chips
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Weekly Shopping List for a 3 month supply for 6 people
Baking powder 2 lbs
Baking soda 2 lbs
Cake mix 11 boxes
Corn meal (freeze) 44 lbs
Corn starch 4 boxes
Flour 44 lbs
Muffin mix 4 boxes
Pancake mix 9 lbs
Vinegar 2 gallons
Dry Yeast 2 lbs
BBQ sauce 6 bottles
Corn syrup 6 lbs
Instant pudding 11 pkgs
Ketchup 7 bottles
Mayonnaise 4 qts
Mustard 4 bottles
Salad dressing 2 qts
Applesauce 70 lbs
Bag of raisins or other dried fruit 2 lbs
Banana chips 53 lbs
Dried apples 18 lbs
Dried fruit 18 lbs
Fruit 147 cans
Fruit juice 14 gallons
Frozen veggies 18 lbs
Potatoes 70 lbs
Spaghetti sauce 18 jars
Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.) 42 cans
Vegetables 126 cans
Cold cereal 14 boxes
Instant oatmeal 4 boxes
Mac and Cheese 35 boxes
Oats 44 lbs
Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.) 44 lbs
Ramen noodles 21 pkgs
Rice 88 lbs
Tortillas (freeze) 11 pkgs
Wheat 263 lbs
Adjust these recommendations according to your family's needs and tastes
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Beans (black, white, red, etc.) 69 cans
Dry beans 60 lbs
MEAT On Hand
Chicken 21 cans
Ground beef 27 lbs
Tuna fish 42 cans
MILK On Hand
Dried chocolate milk 23 lbs
Evaporated milk 21 cans
Powdered milk 90 lbs
Nuts 9 lbs
Oil 4 gallons
Peanut butter 9 lbs
Shortening or butter (freeze) 7 lbs
Garlic salt 2 bottles
Onions (dried/powdered) 9 lbs
Salt 9 lbs
Season salt 2 bottles
Chicken broth (or bouillon) 11 cans
Soup, chicken noodle 42 cans
Soup, cream of chicken 21 cans
Soup, mushroom 42 cans
Soup, tomato 63 cans
Brown sugar 6 lbs
Gelatin (variety of flavors) 2 lbs
Honey 9 lbs
Jam 6 lbs
Molasses 4 qts
Powdered fruit drink mix 11 lbs
Sugar 70 lbs
Vanilla 2 qts
Aspirin (500 tablets) 2 bottles
Multi vitamins 4 bottles
Week 1: 18 cans Tuna fish, 4 lbs Salt, 20 lbs Potatoes
Week 2: 17 boxes Mac and Cheese, 21 cans Soup, tomato
Week 3: 21 cans Soup, mushroom, 4 lbs Peanut butter
Week 4: 2 bottles Multi vitamins, 2 lbs Bag of raisins or other dried fruit
Week 5: 36 lbs Powdered milk
Week 6: 2 bottles Aspirin (500 tablets), 4 gallons Fruit juice
Week 7: 176 lbs Wheat
Week 8: 9 lbs Pancake mix, 18 lbs Applesauce
Week 9: 9 lbs Honey
Week 10: 24 cans Tuna fish, 18 boxes Mac and Cheese
Week 11: 35 lbs Sugar, 2 lbs Salt
Week 12: 21 cans Soup, mushroom, 21 cans Soup, tomato
Week 13: 2 bottles Multi vitamins, 42 cans Vegetables
Week 14: 88 lbs Wheat, 2 gallons Oil, 42 cans Vegetables
Week 15: 44 lbs Rice, 11 cans Chicken
Week 16: 44 lbs Flour, 21 cans Soup, tomato, 20 lbs Potatoes
Week 17: 44 lbs Oats, 30 lbs Dry beans
Week 18: 35 lbs Sugar, 35 lbs Applesauce
Week 19: 18 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.)
Week 20: 42 cans Fruit, 5 lbs Peanut butter
Week 21: 36 lbs Powdered milk, 4 qts Mayonnaise
Week 22: 21 cans Soup, cream of chicken, 2 lbs Brown sugar
Week 23: 42 cans Soup, chicken noodle, 21 cans Evaporated milk
Week 24: 42 cans Vegetables, 7 boxes Cold cereal, 15 lbs Potatoes
Week 25: 26 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.), 4 boxes Instant oatmeal, 21 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 26: 42 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.), 2 gallons Fruit juice
Week 27: 4 qts Molasses, 6 lbs Corn syrup
Week 28: 42 cans Fruit, 4 boxes Muffin mix, 9 lbs Onions (dried/powdered)
Week 29: 2 lbs Baking soda, 2 lbs Baking powder, 2 lbs Dry Yeast
Week 30: 2 qts Vanilla, 2 lbs Salt, 7 lbs Shortening or butter (freeze)
Week 31: 2 gallons Vinegar, 21 cans Fruit, 21 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 32: 4 gallons Fruit juice, 2 qts Salad dressing, 2 gallons Oil
Week 33: 7 bottles Ketchup, 6 bottles BBQ sauce, 4 bottles Mustard
Week 34: 4 lbs Brown sugar, 7 jars Spaghetti sauce, 15 lbs Potatoes
Week 35: 6 lbs Jam, 4 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 36: 6 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 9 lbs Ground beef
Week 37: 2 lbs Gelatin (variety of flavors), 18 lbs Dried apples
Week 38: 4 gallons Fruit juice, 44 lbs Corn meal (freeze)
Week 39: 7 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 40: 23 lbs Dried chocolate milk
Week 41: 18 lbs Ground beef
Week 42: 5 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 18 lbs Dried fruit
Week 43: 4 boxes Corn starch, 1 lb Salt, 44 lbs Rice
Week 44: 10 cans Chicken, 27 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.)
Week 45: 7 boxes Cold cereal, 2 bottles Garlic salt, 2 bottles Season salt, 18 lbs Frozen veggies
Week 46: 11 cans Chicken broth (or bouillon), 11 boxes Cake mix
Week 47: 21 pkgs Ramen noodles, 11 jars Spaghetti sauce, 42 cans Fruit
Week 48: 11 pkgs Instant pudding, 9 lbs Nuts
Week 49: 30 lbs Dry beans, 17 lbs Applesauce
Week 50: 18 lbs Powdered milk
Week 51: 53 lbs Banana chips
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Weekly Shopping List for a 3 month supply for 7 people
Baking powder 2 lbs
Baking soda 2 lbs
Cake mix 12 boxes
Corn meal (freeze) 50 lbs
Corn starch 4 boxes
Flour 50 lbs
Muffin mix 4 boxes
Pancake mix 10 lbs
Vinegar 2 gallons
Dry Yeast 2 lbs
BBQ sauce 6 bottles
Corn syrup 6 lbs
Instant pudding 12 pkgs
Ketchup 8 bottles
Mayonnaise 4 qts
Mustard 4 bottles
Salad dressing 2 qts
Applesauce 80 lbs
Bag of raisins or other dried fruit 2 lbs
Banana chips 60 lbs
Dried apples 20 lbs
Dried fruit 20 lbs
Fruit 168 cans
Fruit juice 16 gallons
Frozen veggies 20 lbs
Potatoes 80 lbs
Spaghetti sauce 20 jars
Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.) 48 cans
Vegetables 144 cans
Cold cereal 16 boxes
Instant oatmeal 4 boxes
Mac and Cheese 40 boxes
Oats 50 lbs
Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.) 50 lbs
Ramen noodles 24 pkgs
Rice 100 lbs
Tortillas (freeze) 12 pkgs
Wheat 300 lbs
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Adjust these recommendations according to your family's needs and tastes
Beans (black, white, red, etc.) 78 cans
Dry beans 60 lbs
MEAT On Hand
Chicken 24 cans
Ground beef 30 lbs
Tuna fish 48 cans
MILK On Hand
Dried chocolate milk 26 lbs
Evaporated milk 24 cans
Powdered milk 100 lbs
Nuts 10 lbs
Oil 4 gallons
Peanut butter 10 lbs
Shortening or butter (freeze) 8 lbs
Garlic salt 2 bottles
Onions (dried/powdered) 10 lbs
Salt 10 lbs
Season salt 2 bottles
Chicken broth (or bouillon) 12 cans
Soup, chicken noodle 48 cans
Soup, cream of chicken 24 cans
Soup, mushroom 48 cans
Soup, tomato 72 cans
Brown sugar 6 lbs
Gelatin (variety of flavors) 2 lbs
Honey 10 lbs
Jam 6 lbs
Molasses 4 qts
Powdered fruit drink mix 12 lbs
Sugar 80 lbs
Vanilla 2 qts
Aspirin (500 tablets) 2 bottles
Multi vitamins 4 bottles
Week 1: 20 cans Tuna fish, 4 lbs Salt, 20 lbs Potatoes
Week 2: 20 boxes Mac and Cheese, 24 cans Soup, tomato
Week 3: 24 cans Soup, mushroom, 4 lbs Peanut butter
Week 4: 2 bottles Multi vitamins, 2 lbs Bag of raisins or other dried fruit
Week 5: 40 lbs Powdered milk
Week 6: 2 bottles Aspirin (500 tablets), 4 gallons Fruit juice
Week 7: 200 lbs Wheat
Week 8: 10 lbs Pancake mix, 20 lbs Applesauce
Week 9: 10 lbs Honey
Week 10: 28 cans Tuna fish, 20 boxes Mac and Cheese
Week 11: 40 lbs Sugar, 2 lbs Salt
Week 12: 24 cans Soup, mushroom, 24 cans Soup, tomato
Week 13: 2 bottles Multi vitamins, 48 cans Vegetables
Week 14: 100 lbs Wheat, 2 gallons Oil, 48 cans Vegetables
Week 15: 50 lbs Rice, 12 cans Chicken
Week 16: 50 lbs Flour, 24 cans Soup, tomato, 20 lbs Potatoes
Week 17: 50 lbs Oats, 30 lbs Dry beans
Week 18: 40 lbs Sugar, 40 lbs Applesauce
Week 19: 20 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.)
Week 20: 48 cans Fruit, 6 lbs Peanut butter
Week 21: 40 lbs Powdered milk, 4 qts Mayonnaise
Week 22: 24 cans Soup, cream of chicken, 2 lbs Brown sugar
Week 23: 48 cans Soup, chicken noodle, 24 cans Evaporated milk
Week 24: 48 cans Vegetables, 8 boxes Cold cereal, 20 lbs Potatoes
Week 25: 30 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.), 4 boxes Instant oatmeal, 24 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 26: 48 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.), 4 gallons Fruit juice
Week 27: 4 qts Molasses, 6 lbs Corn syrup
Week 28: 48 cans Fruit, 4 boxes Muffin mix, 10 lbs Onions (dried/powdered)
Week 29: 2 lbs Baking soda, 2 lbs Baking powder, 2 lbs Dry Yeast
Week 30: 2 qts Vanilla, 2 lbs Salt, 8 lbs Shortening or butter (freeze)
Week 31: 2 gallons Vinegar, 24 cans Fruit, 24 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 32: 4 gallons Fruit juice, 2 qts Salad dressing, 2 gallons Oil
Week 33: 8 bottles Ketchup, 6 bottles BBQ sauce, 4 bottles Mustard
Week 34: 4 lbs Brown sugar, 8 jars Spaghetti sauce, 20 lbs Potatoes
Week 35: 6 lbs Jam, 4 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 36: 6 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 10 lbs Ground beef
Week 37: 2 lbs Gelatin (variety of flavors), 20 lbs Dried apples
Week 38: 4 gallons Fruit juice, 50 lbs Corn meal (freeze)
Week 39: 8 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 40: 26 lbs Dried chocolate milk
Week 41: 20 lbs Ground beef
Week 42: 6 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 20 lbs Dried fruit
Week 43: 4 boxes Corn starch, 2 lbs Salt, 50 lbs Rice
Week 44: 12 cans Chicken, 30 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.)
Week 45: 8 boxes Cold cereal, 2 bottles Garlic salt, 2 bottles Season salt, 20 lbs Frozen veggies
Week 46: 12 cans Chicken broth (or bouillon), 12 boxes Cake mix
Week 47: 24 pkgs Ramen noodles, 12 jars Spaghetti sauce, 48 cans Fruit
Week 48: 12 pkgs Instant pudding, 10 lbs Nuts
Week 49: 30 lbs Dry beans, 20 lbs Applesauce
Week 50: 20 lbs Powdered milk
Week 51: 60 lbs Banana chips
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Weekly Shopping List for a 3 month supply for 8 people
Baking powder 3 lbs
Baking soda 3 lbs
Cake mix 14 boxes
Corn meal (freeze) 57 lbs
Corn starch 5 boxes
Flour 57 lbs
Muffin mix 5 boxes
Pancake mix 12 lbs
Vinegar 3 gallons
Dry Yeast 3 lbs
BBQ sauce 7 bottles
Corn syrup 7 lbs
Instant pudding 14 pkgs
Ketchup 9 bottles
Mayonnaise 5 qts
Mustard 5 bottles
Salad dressing 3 qts
Applesauce 90 lbs
Bag of raisins or other dried fruit 3 lbs
Banana chips 68 lbs
Dried apples 23 lbs
Dried fruit 23 lbs
Fruit 189 cans
Fruit juice 18 gallons
Frozen veggies 23 lbs
Potatoes 90 lbs
Spaghetti sauce 23 jars
Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.) 54 cans
Vegetables 162 cans
Cold cereal 18 boxes
Instant oatmeal 5 boxes
Mac and Cheese 45 boxes
Oats 57 lbs
Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.) 57 lbs
Ramen noodles 27 pkgs
Rice 125 lbs
Tortillas (freeze) 14 pkgs
Wheat 338 lbs
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Adjust these recommendations according to your family's needs and tastes
Beans (black, white, red, etc.) 88 cans
Dry beans 68 lbs
MEAT On Hand
Chicken 27 cans
Ground beef 34 lbs
Tuna fish 54 cans
MILK On Hand
Dried chocolate milk 30 lbs
Evaporated milk 27 cans
Powdered milk 115 lbs
Nuts 12 lbs
Oil 5 gallons
Peanut butter 12 lbs
Shortening or butter (freeze) 9 lbs
Garlic salt 3 bottles
Onions (dried/powdered) 12 lbs
Salt 12 lbs
Season salt 3 bottles
Chicken broth (or bouillon) 14 cans
Soup, chicken noodle 54 cans
Soup, cream of chicken 27 cans
Soup, mushroom 54 cans
Soup, tomato 81 cans
Brown sugar 7 lbs
Gelatin (variety of flavors) 3 lbs
Honey 12 lbs
Jam 7 lbs
Molasses 5 qts
Powdered fruit drink mix 15 lbs
Sugar 90 lbs
Vanilla 3 qts
Aspirin (500 tablets) 3 bottles
Multi vitamins 5 bottles
Week 1: 22 cans Tuna fish, 5 lbs Salt, 25 lbs Potatoes
Week 2: 22 boxes Mac and Cheese, 27 cans Soup, tomato
Week 3: 27 cans Soup, mushroom, 5 lbs Peanut butter
Week 4: 2 bottles Multi vitamins, 3 lbs Bag of raisins or other dried fruit
Week 5: 46 lbs Powdered milk
Week 6: 3 bottles Aspirin (500 tablets), 4 gallons Fruit juice
Week 7: 226 lbs Wheat
Week 8: 12 lbs Pancake mix, 23 lbs Applesauce
Week 9: 12 lbs Honey
Week 10: 32 cans Tuna fish, 23 boxes Mac and Cheese
Week 11: 45 lbs Sugar, 3 lbs Salt
Week 12: 27 cans Soup, mushroom, 27 cans Soup, tomato
Week 13: 3 bottles Multi vitamins, 54 cans Vegetables
Week 14: 113 lbs Wheat, 3 gallons Oil, 54 cans Vegetables
Week 15: 50 lbs Rice, 14 cans Chicken
Week 16: 57 lbs Flour, 27 cans Soup, tomato, 20 lbs Potatoes
Week 17: 57 lbs Oats, 34 lbs Dry beans
Week 18: 45 lbs Sugar, 45 lbs Applesauce
Week 19: 22 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.)
Week 20: 54 cans Fruit, 7 lbs Peanut butter
Week 21: 46 lbs Powdered milk, 5 qts Mayonnaise
Week 22: 27 cans Soup, cream of chicken, 2 lbs Brown sugar
Week 23: 54 cans Soup, chicken noodle, 27 cans Evaporated milk
Week 24: 54 cans Vegetables, 9 boxes Cold cereal, 20 lbs Potatoes
Week 25: 35 lbs Pasta (spaghetti, noodles, egg noodles, etc.), 5 boxes Instant oatmeal, 27 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 26: 54 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.), 4 gallons Fruit juice
Week 27: 5 qts Molasses, 7 lbs Corn syrup
Week 28: 54 cans Fruit, 5 boxes Muffin mix, 12 lbs Onions (dried/powdered)
Week 29: 3 lbs Baking soda, 3 lbs Baking powder, 3 lbs Dry Yeast
Week 30: 3 qts Vanilla, 2 lbs Salt, 9 lbs Shortening or butter (freeze)
Week 31: 3 gallons Vinegar, 27 cans Fruit, 27 cans Tomatoes (whole, diced, stewed, etc.)
Week 32: 5 gallons Fruit juice, 3 qts Salad dressing, 2 gallons Oil
Week 33: 9 bottles Ketchup, 7 bottles BBQ sauce, 5 bottles Mustard
Week 34: 5 lbs Brown sugar, 9 jars Spaghetti sauce, 25 lbs Potatoes
Week 35: 7 lbs Jam, 5 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 36: 7 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 12 lbs Ground beef
Week 37: 3 lbs Gelatin (variety of flavors), 23 lbs Dried apples
Week 38: 5 gallons Fruit juice, 57 lbs Corn meal (freeze)
Week 39: 10 lbs Powdered fruit drink mix
Week 40: 30 lbs Dried chocolate milk
Week 41: 22 lbs Ground beef
Week 42: 7 pkgs Tortillas (freeze), 23 lbs Dried fruit
Week 43: 5 boxes Corn starch, 2 lbs Salt, 75 lbs Rice
Week 44: 13 cans Chicken, 34 cans Beans (black, white, red, etc.)
Week 45: 9 boxes Cold cereal, 3 bottles Garlic salt, 3 bottles Season salt, 23 lbs Frozen veggies
Week 46: 14 cans Chicken broth (or bouillon), 14 boxes Cake mix
Week 47: 27 pkgs Ramen noodles, 14 jars Spaghetti sauce, 54 cans Fruit
Week 48: 14 pkgs Instant pudding, 12 lbs Nuts
Week 49: 34 lbs Dry beans, 22 lbs Applesauce
Week 50: 23 lbs Powdered milk
Week 51: 68 lbs Banana chips
(Recommended amounts may differ from packaged quantities at your place of purchase)
Weekly Shopping List for a 3 month supply for 9 people
Baby Needs Hygiene
Baby Food (jars) Dental Floss
Baby Formula Deodorant
Baby Lotion Detergent (Clothes)
Baby Powder Dish soap
Diaper Rash Ointment Feminine Hygiene Items
Diaper Wipes Liquid Bleach
Disposable Diapers Liquid Hand Sanitizer
Disposable Nursing pads Shampoo
Soap, bath
Baking Extras Toilet Paper (20 rolls/person)
Cheese powder Tooth Paste
Dehydrated Eggs
Cooking Extras Cash on hand
Fuel (Charcoal, Propane, etc.) Disposable Dishes
Tortilla Press Disposable Utensils
Wheat Grinder Manual can openers (heavy-duty)
Pet food
First Aid Trash bags
Antibiotic Ointment Water & Water Storage
Bandages Water (28 gallons/person)
Ibuprofen Water Drums
Rubbing Alcohol Siphon Pump
Syrup of Ipecac Bung Wrench
Water Purification Tablets
Other recommended items to stock up on as part of your 3-month supply:
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